Dear Colleagues
27 May is celebrated as “Emergency Medical Day” in the world with the contributions of EUSEM. Since May 27, 2019, more than 150 million patients in our country have been treated in the Emergency Department; probably this number exceeds one billion in the whole world. Who knows, in the past year, how many people have resurrected life with the interventions in the emergency services, and the painful tears of people have returned to the happy tears as a result of these interventions. However, this great health army has organized thousands of scientific activities related to Emergency Medicine in the past year, published tens of thousands of articles and published hundreds of books. The entire world witnessed the heroism of the Emergency Medicine staff in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to congratulate all of our Emergency Service Employees for their urgent service to such people and contribute so much to science with this intense work pace and celebrate their 27th of May Emergency Medicine Days.
Especially in emergency services in our country
When we catch standardization Emergency Medicine
When we receive our fellowship programs,
When we get our full personal rights
Especially when the violence ends, all days of the year will be our days.
Happy May 27th Emergency Medical Day