Our Very Valuable Colleagues
MENATOX 2020 will be in Istanbul. MENATOX, which organizes very good courses and congresses in the area of Clinical Toxicology in our immediate geography, will be organized in Turkey under the leadership of ATUDER between 19-22 February 2020. ATUDER will bring together the most reputable names in the world who are interested in clinical toxicology. Recently, there are good developments in the field of clinical toxicology in our country. The clinical toxicology work and the workload of toxic cases that we frequently encounter in our country are almost 90% based on Emergency Medicine. Approximately 73% of the literature (books, journals, articles, etc.) in this field was brought to the scientific world with the efforts of the Emergency Medical Specialists. As Emergency Medical Specialists, we have to do our Clinical Toxicology as a professional with minor, science or doctoral programs. For this purpose, the Ministry of Health, AFAD, and Red Crescent officials will also take part in this congress. In this beautiful and valuable congress, we will have the chance to forward our ”Clinical Toxicology in Emergency Medicine” to the relevant authorities. Our program on the subject will be published soon.
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