Registrations are full. Thank you for your interest
Click to download the scientific program
Bedside Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) is a growing area of medicine. Especially for Emergency Physicians (EPs), POCUS is an indispensible part of patient care.
Emergency Physicians Association of Turkey (EPAT) has organised lots of POCUS courses both inside and outside of Turkey. We have given POCUS courses in India, Jordan and Egypt with our partners Society for Emergency Medicine India (SEMI), Jordan Emergency Medicine Society (JEMS) and Egyptian Society for Emergency Medicine (EGSEM).
We have planned our 4th International Bedside Point-of-Care Ultrasound Course in Turkey on May 28 -29, 2022
Besides the sharing of knowledge and latest research, there will be plenty of opportunities to practice and reflect on your skills through practice exercises and one-to-one feedback. No prior knowledge of bedside US is required. All the lectures will be delivered by people who have experience of doing exactly this. The education program is comprehensive and integrated.
Precautions against Covid -19 disease;
Ø Participants will be placed in the venue as one participant for two seats to be able to seat with social distance during theoretical lectures.
Ø Masks will be provided for participants, lecturers and professional mannikins. It will be mandatory to wear these masks during the course.
Ø Hand disinfectants will be placed for the use of participants.
Ø Gloves will be provided for hands-on trainings and it will be mandatory to wear gloves during hands-on trainings.
Ø Extra care will be given to keep ultrasound devices clean. Devices will be cleaned with disinfectant tissues after every hands-on training session.
Course Language Is English.
Venue& Dates:
Our target audience are EPs, but our course is open for every physician who wants to have more knowledge and skills about POCUS. May 28 -29, 2022 Medical Park Göztepe Hastanesi Adres: E5 Üzeri Merdivenköy 23 Nisan Sokağı No:17 Kadıköy/İstanbul
Ø Schedule of registration fees
Ø Participants should send their bank receipts of registration fees with their name, surname, affiliation, position, e-mail and post adress via e-mail for registration.
Ø Registrations are open from 01.08.2021
Ø Total number of participants will be limited with 70.
Ø Registrations will be closed in 15.05.2022 or when the number of participants is reached to 70.
Ø Services included in this fee: All theoretical and hands-on trainings, coffee service in coffee breaks.
Please write the description as ‘SonoTurkey registration fee’ and send the fee to ₺ For Turkish Participants Registration fee is '5000' TL
Ø Account Name: Acil Tıp Uzmanları Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi
Ø Bank: Yapı Kredi Bankası Hacettepe/ANKARA Şubesi
Ø IBAN: TR77 0006 7010 0000 0093 7156 50
Ø BAN: 0483 / 93715650
$ For Overseas Participants Registration fee is '400' USD
Ø Account Name: Acil Tıp Uzmanları Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi
Ø Bank: Yapı Kredi Bankası Hacettepe/ANKARA Şubesi
Ø IBAN: TR87 0006 7010 0000 0047 6725 77
Ø Swift Code (Usd,Eur) : YAPITRISXXX
Scientific Committee:
Erden Erol ÜNLÜER, M.D., Prof. (Head of the committee) University of Health Sciences İzmir Bozyaka Training Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, İzmir /TÜRKİYE
Liqaa Rafee, M.D., Assoc. Prof. Jordan University of Science and Technology, Department of Emergency Medicine, JORDAN
Zeki ATEŞLİ, M.D. East Sussex Healthcare, UNITED KINGDOM
Arif KARAGÖZ, M.D. Çiğli Training Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, İzmir /TÜRKİYE
Sinem DOĞRUYOL, M.D. Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate Haydarpasa Numune Traınıng And Research Hospital Istanbul /TÜRKİYE
Haitham Osama KHALIFA M.D. El-Sheikh Zayed Specialized Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, 6th of October, Giza, EGYPT
Please contact EPAT General Secretary Mr. Menderes Hazır for registration.
Mobile: 0544 835 92 70, e-mail: [email protected]
There is no reservation without payment for course registration, and the registration fee must be deposited into our association's account for final registration.
It will be our pleasure to meet with you at our 4th International POCUS Course.
Best Regards.
On behalf of EPAT board of directors;
Prof. Dr. Erden Erol ÜNLÜER
President of SonoSchool and member of the board of EPAT.
Click the links below for the photos of our previous international POCUS courses
3rd international Point Of Care UltraSound Courese SonoTurkey
2nd international Point Of Care UltraSound Course SonoTurkey
1st international Point Of Care UltraSound Course SonoTurkey
EACCME accreditation application process has been started for the accreditation of our 4th. international course as previous courses.
Menderes HAZIR
EPAT Office Secretary
Mobile : +90 544 835 92 70
Workplace: +90 312 426 12 14
Fax : +90 312 426 12 44
Adress: Güleryüz Sokak Emek Apt No:26/19 06550 Yukarıayrancı/Çankaya/ ANKARA