Hemodynamic Monitoring Course

Hemodynamic Monitoring Course Program




Learning Targets



Invasive hemodynamic monitoring techniques and applications

-Preload, Fluid responsiveness, CO, Cardiac Index, cardiac-pulmonary interaction

-Relationship between O2 Delivery (DO2) and O2 Consumption (VO2), Frank-Starling law

-Pulmonary Artery Catheterization

-Thermodilution method

-Hemodynamic Monitorization tecnique selection criteria


Prof. Dr. Başar CANDER

Learning the indications, technique and implementation of the invasive hemodynamic monitoring techniques and applications



Coffee Break


Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring techniques and applications

-USG, Transthoracic ECHO, and passive leg raising test

-Doppler USG and Fick Methods

-Bio-reactance, Bioimpedance, and Plethysmography Methods

-Perfusion, Microcirculation


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülseren ELAY

Learning the importance, indications, technique and implementation of the non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring techniques and applications



Roundtable, Question &Answer with example cases

Prof. Dr. Başar CANDER

Reherseal with Questions & Answers



Lunch Break


Practical with case discussions

Prof. Dr. Başar CANDER & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülseren ELAY

Learning how to use the information on clinique applications by case-scenarios



Accredited LEE | European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) (uems.eu)


Accredited by EACCME European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. 

European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME)

EACCME Countries where the Accreditation Certificate is valid

• European Union Countries and United Kingdom
• UK and Commonwealth countries (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, India)
• United States of America

Course date: 16 May 2024 (This Course is a pre-congress course for 11th International Critical Care&Emergency Medicine Congress).

Venue: Starlight Resort Hotel, Manavgat /Antalya/Türkiye

Course fee: 4.800TL tax included

This course is limited to 40 participants. To book your seat, please send the course fee until 01.May.2024 to the account of the Emergency Physicians Association of Turkey (EPAT);

EPAT Bank Account Number:

Account Name: Acil Tıp Uzmanları Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi

TL IBAN TR77 0006 7010 0000 0093 7156 50



Name and surname, title, institution or address, mobile phone number, e-mail address, TR ID number for invoices  an email should be sent to [email protected].

Communication              : Menderes HAZIR    GSM +90 554 568 12 15  and   Office phone  +90 312 426 12 14    

Working hours               : 09:00 - 19:00 

E mail                              : [email protected]

Important note: At the end of the course, a certificate of participation and accreditation certificate will be given together.